NAU Honors Dorm P30 Utility Relocation

EMC Role
Project Overview
The NAU Honors dorm, at the time of construction was the proposed structure at the time of the utility relocation project. The new building consisting of dorms as well as class rooms was to sit on an existing parking lot located on the NAU mid campus. The existing utilities ran through the center of this parking lot and needed to be re-routed around the parcel to accommodate the new building as well as adding additional utilities for the proposed structure. Hardison Downy came to EMC with a request of meeting or exceeding a very aggressive schedule that determined the feasibility of moving forward with the overall project. Eagle Mountain, without hesitation, was up for the challenge and came through to deliver ahead of schedule making the project continue with design and construction. This project consisted of some large deep utilities and many of these were in hard rock conditions as well as mass earthwork operations to prepare the building pads. Highlights of this project were:
- 72" CMP Storm Drain (16ft depth)
- 60" CMP Storm Drain (16ft depth)
- (2) Precast SD vault Structures
- 12" Sewer line
- 8" Waterline
- Fiber Optic Encased Duct Bank with Vaults
- 3500 SY of new AC Paving
- Curb and Gutter
- Over 20,000 CY of import as well as soil stabilization
Eagle Mountain was able to hit the deadlines and coordinated with the concrete and drilling sub to get their caissons drilled and poured all while the utility and pad work was completed. EMC was also able to get Knoles Dr. ad University Dr. paved and reopened prior to the 2017 school year.