Cherry Ave. Drainage Project

EMC Role
Project Overview
This project was completed by EMC for the City of Flagstaff from 4/4/11 to 8/22/11. This project included the removal and replacement of over 780 LF of 8” sewer along with 21 sewer service connections & clean-outs. Water services to five existing residences were also removed and replaced. EMC removed 6 manholes and installed 2 new manholes. Storm drain construction included over 1,200 LF of 30” to 42” drainage pipe, associated headwalls and catch basins. Incidental to the utility construction was the removal and replacement of over 1,400 SY of asphalt, 230 LF of curb and gutter, 1,255 SF of new sidewalk including all required ADA compliant ramps and driveways. This Project did not require a winter shutdown, and the Project completed on time, and within the COF budget.